#HowTo: Identify and Appoint the Right Security Partner for Your Organization

This article originally appeared in InfoSecurity Magazine

In the field of cybersecurity, finding a partner you trust can be daunting. It’s an area that still creates uncertainty within many organizations, so it’s no wonder many cybersecurity executives may be hesitant to make this move.

But given the mounting list of CISO challenges, from justifying resource requirements to demonstrating a team’s effectiveness, more and more organizations are looking into outsourcing some, or all, of their cybersecurity.

So, how do you know if partnering is right for you?

The Advantages of Partnering with a Security Provider

Many people wait until after they have suffered an attack or been dinged on a compliance audit to look for a partner, putting them in a rushed situation to make a selection. However, creating a symbiotic relationship takes time – and if done correctly, is a great way to help improve your cyber posture in both the near and long-term…

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