ProBAS Breach and Attack Simulation

Blending advanced technologies with expert analysis, we proactively uncover vulnerabilities, rigorously test security, and empower teams to combat against cyber threats.
Unprecedented Visibility and Threat Protection
In the relentless world of cyber threats that define our digital era, our pioneering solution, Proficio® Breach and Attack Simulation (ProBAS) stands as a steadfast ally, ensuring your cybersecurity is robust, responsive, and ready to meet challenges head-on. ProBAS combines state-of-the-art technology with expert analysis to proactively uncover vulnerabilities, rigorously test your security infrastructure, and empower your teams against a spectrum of cyber threats. With its arsenal of sophisticated tools and custom attack scripts, ProBAS stands as an indomitable force against MITRE ATT&CK® tactics.

Fortify Your Defenses

Proactively Uncover Vulnerabilities

Expert-Backed Cybersecurity

Technology Meets Analytical Excellence

Strengthen Cyber Resilience

Validate Your Security Controls

Fortify Your Defenses

Put Threats at the Core of Your Cybersecurity Approach

Advanced Threat Preparedness

You know that hope is not a strategy. Yet businesses fail to test against threats as often as they should given how fast they evolve. ProBAS is your vanguard against complex MITRE ATT&CK® and Cyber Kill Chain tactics, reinforcing your cybersecurity armor.

Enhanced Security Measures

After the conclusion of testing, we provide comprehensive mitigation strategies that drastically reduce your organization’s exposure to threats. This phase is where ProBAS transitions from analysis to action, converting potential vulnerabilities into impregnable defenses.

Compliance Assurance

Navigate industry standards and regulatory requirements with confidence, thanks to ProBAS’s comprehensive security assessments.


Align Your Defenses with the Evolving Threat Landscape

Real-World Attack Simulation

ProBAS conducts detailed simulations that mirror actual cyber-attack scenarios, providing your security teams with practical, hands-on experience. These simulations are designed to test and validate your defenses under realistic conditions, ensuring your organization is prepared to effectively counter and mitigate potential security breaches.

Comprehensive Vulnerability Assessment

ProBAS leverages cutting-edge simulation technology to perform deep and comprehensive security assessments. This approach uncovers critical vulnerabilities and enhances your cybersecurity measures without explicitly segmenting teams into offensive and defensive roles.

Strategic Collaboration for Enhanced Security

Foster a culture of continuous security enhancement through strategic collaboration across your cybersecurity teams. By integrating insights and feedback across various security domains, ProBAS builds a robust and resilient defense against cyber threats.

Test & Enhance Your
Cybersecurity Posture

Gain Confidence Your Critical Assets Are Secure

Attack Simulations Using Custom Scenarios

Using advanced threat intelligence and tactics, we simulate diverse cyber threats tailored to your business context—malware, phishing, ransomware. This ensures a realistic testing environment, providing assurance that your critical assets are safeguarded.

MITRE ATT&CK Simulations

ProBAS delves deep into the realm of cyber warfare with detailed simulations of MITRE ATT&CK® techniques. From credential theft to sophisticated data exfiltration, it immerses your security systems in the crucible of real-world cyber battles.

Vulnerability Assessment

At the heart of preemptive cyber defense lies the pinpointing of vulnerabilities. ProBAS excels in detecting and addressing these weak points, shielding your organization before these chinks in the armor can be exploited.

Red Team Evaluation

In a simulated cyber onslaught, ProBAS’s elite cybersecurity experts adopt adversarial roles, rigorously testing and honing your defense mechanisms against advanced threats.

Real-Time Feedback and Comprehensive Reporting

Following the simulations, ProBAS provides immediate feedback and insights, unveiling vulnerabilities, proposing strategic enhancements, and imparting actionable insights to bolster your cybersecurity framework.

End-User Training

Beyond infrastructure testing, ProBAS emphasizes enhancing team readiness against sophisticated cyberattacks, with a focus on MITRE-style tactics.


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