The Scary Truth About CyberSecurity

With just two months left in 2015, it is shocking to find that this year may be one of the scariest years as far as data breaches go. Recent reports show data breaches to be increasingly common. And as these threats become bigger and more harmful, the future looks spooky.

The overall costs for cyber crime continues to increase, on average costing companies a ghastly $7.7M; the United States has seen the most terrifying damage from cyber crimes, with the average cost from 2015 being over $15M. While security measures are improving, hackers are continuously finding new frightening ways to get a company’s valuable information.

Ponemon states in their 2015 Cost of Cyber Crime Study that “all industries fall victim to cybercrime”, again reminding us that no industry or business, big or small, is safe from the horror of cyber crime. However, those who invest in more advanced security resources see significantly less damage from hackers. Companies with security intelligence systems (like a SIEM) save almost $2M and see an ROI of 23%, serving as a prominent reminder that there is no trick – investing up front in high quality security measures will treat you better in the long run.

While hackers will always be on the prowl, don’t let your organization be fooled. See how adding SIEM-as-a-Service can help your company maintain a secure network.

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