Proficio Added to Deloitte Technology Fast 500

In case you missed the news, Proficio was added to the 2015 Deloitte Technology Fast 500 list. Award winners are selected based on percentage of revenue growth from the past three years. We are excited to be one of the fastest growing technology companies in North America.

We believe our success is being driven by a combination of industry forces and customer recognition of Proficio’s unique threat detection and prevention capabilities.

In recent years, the cybersecurity industry has increasingly been in the spotlight; just about every week, there is a new data breach in the news. The level of cyber attacks is unprecedented, and it is driving many organizations to rethink (and improve upon) their security defenses. As the average cost of data breaches rise (up to $3.8M, according to Ponemon Institute), senior executives are prioritizing the importance of security.

While some companies may choose to run all security operations on-site, others realize the challenge of having the resources to monitor and prioritize the millions of security events that pass through their networks every day. In response to these challenges, many companies are migrating to a cloud-based model, utilizing a Managed Services Security Provider (MSSP).

Proficio is a leading MSSP focused on proactively identifying complex security threats from sources inside and outside an organization’s network. We have developed proprietary security content, correlation rules, use cases, and a threat intelligence database to alert our clients of events in the kill chain that could lead to a security breach. In addition, our unique Active Defense service allows us to automatically put a stop to potential threats before an attack compromises your company.

Learn how Proficio’s ProSOC Services could assist you with your security needs.

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